面具下的须眉(man)听完夏雪的话,差点断气(breathe one's last )身亡,“你担忧(worry)的是自己?岂非( surely it doesn't mean that .
当陆贞往太妃脸上洒了一些水后,发觉(find)太妃还没有气绝(breathe one's last),于是她吵着要去请太医,柳絮上前阻拦(prevent),虽然这样,陆贞还是执意去找皇上叫了太医。
一命呜呼 die; alas, it is sad indeed; alas, (sb. is) dead and gone; be snuffed out; breathe one's last; breathe out one's life; go off like the snuff of candle; go out of this world; go to west; kick the bucket..
呼了最后一口气 ; 咽气 ; 断气 ; 一命呜呼