释义 |
breast conserving surgery - 乳腺保留手术:一种治疗乳腺癌的手术方法,只切除肿瘤及其周围的部分正常组织,保留大部分乳腺组织。
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计算机科学技术 保乳手术 Based on the bio-impedance measurement technology, this paper presents the intraoperative margin assessment of breast cancer for purpose of breast conserving surgery. It can help the surgeon judge the margin instantly and then choose the excising area reasonably. 本课题针对当前乳腺癌治疗手段中的保乳手术,将生物电阻抗测量技术应用到术中乳腺癌灶边缘界定中,实时评价手术切缘,帮助施术医师在手术中合理选择组织切除范围,从而在手术结束前清除残留病灶。
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Breast cancer; Pathological type; Modified radical mastectomy; Breast conserving surgery. - 2
Objective To evaluate the oncologic risks of skin sparing breast conserving surgery for carcinoma of breast at early stage. 目的探讨早期乳腺癌保留皮肤的保乳手术的肿瘤学安全性。 - 3
Objective To investigate patients with breast cancer after breast conserving surgery combined with radiotherapy of the indications, surgical methods and clinical results. 目的探讨乳腺癌患者保乳手术后联合放射治疗的适应证、手术方法及临床效果。