释义 |
breast-conserving surgery - 保乳手术:一种乳腺癌治疗手术,旨在切除肿瘤及其周围的部分正常组织,同时尽量保留乳房的形状和外观。
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医药科学 保乳手术 With the further cognition of the pathogenesis and biological characteristics in breast cancer, patients desire body integrity and beauty more than before, and breast-conserving surgery(BCS) develop gradually. 随着人们对乳腺癌发病机制和生物学特性认识的深入,病人对术后形体完整和美容愿望的加强,保乳手术逐渐发展起来。 保留乳房手术
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ObjectiveTo evaluate the breast-conserving surgery for early breast cancer. - 2
In 15% of patients treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy, cosmetic results are excellent. 采用这种疗法的病人,有15%取得了很好的美容结果。 - 3
In this trial, women aged at least 45 years with invasive ductal breast carcinoma undergoing breast-conserving surgery were enrolled. 在这个试验中,入选标准为年龄大于45岁经历保乳手术的浸润性导管癌的患者。