释义 |
acetaldehyde 英/ ??s??t?ld??ha?d / 美/ ??se?t?ld??ha?d / - 1
化学 乙醛 The major byproducts ethylene and propylene were converted from ethanol, but difficultly from the conversion of acetaldehyde. 本文还对主要副产物烯烃的生成过程进行了研究,结果表明,主要副产物乙烯和丙烯,其主要生成来源为乙醇,由乙醛向乙烯或丙烯的转化很难发生。 乙醇醛
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医药科学 乙醛 The proliferation of HSC induced by acetaldehyde was the key factor in alcoholic hepatic fibrosis. 乙醛刺激HSC活化与增殖,是导致酒精性肝纤维化发生的关键因素。
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Sugars are added to produce a milder, more inhalable smoke — but also because, when burned, they generate acetaldehydes, boosting the addictive potency of the resulting smoke. 添加的糖分是为了使香烟的口感更柔和,更易吸入;同时,糖分燃烧时会生成乙醛,从而增强香烟的致瘾性。