释义 |
区域中心 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?総括局 ... zone center ==> 区长途电话局,中心台 zone centre ==> 総括局(电话网) zone charge ==> 装药号 ...
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"It ACTS as a kind of subliminal zone, an exclusive forum where the normal social rules are suspended," said Kate Fox, director of the social Issues Research Centre. 社会事务研究中心主任凯特·福克斯说:“手机短信好比一个潜意识地带,在这个特殊的区域里,正常的社会法则都不起作用了。” - 2
Rents in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), a glitzy zone for offshore Banks, were slashed in December. 作为离岸银行闪耀地带的迪拜国际金融中心(DIFC),它的房屋出租率也在12月份急剧下降。 - 3
Instead of building an imposing reception desk, the Michelberger team created an inviting circular welcome island, placed in the centre of the bar and mingle zone. 蜜歇贝格没有设立恢宏壮丽的前台,而是在酒吧和活动中心的中间用一个环状的服务台取而代之。白天,这里是可以逃离喧嚣都市,令你舒适放松的避难所。