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1 ?危险边缘 危险边缘(Zeher)Zeher 剧情简介 故事背景设置在蓝天碧海而又闷热无比的勾亚,讲述一个年轻警察西得哈斯(Emran Hashmi)的故事,他正处在和妻子...
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So say Doug Downey and Donna Bobbit-Zeher of Ohio State University, Columbus, who found that kids with siblings make no more friends than those without. 哥伦布市俄亥俄州立大学的道格·丹尼(Doug Downey)和唐纳巴比特吉诃(Donna Bobbit - Zeher)这么说,他们发现非独生子女并没有比独生子女拥有更多的朋友。 - 2
"Most studies look at the negative consequences of having siblings in terms of educational outcome, " said Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, the lead author of the study. “目前大部分研究,多关注非独生子女家庭对孩子们教育效果的负面影响。” 这项研究的主要负责人唐娜?博比-泽赫说。 - 3
"People are having smaller families and more children are growing up with fewer siblings," said Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, a sociologist at Ohio State University in Columbus. 哥伦布的俄亥俄州立大学的社会学家堂娜。博比特- Zeher称:“人们的家庭规模在变小,更多的孩子在几乎没有兄弟姐妹陪伴的环境下长大。”