n. 蛇神;巫毒崇拜;生性怪癖的人;以超...
n. 意大利通心面(包括通心粉等)
... 名字: Zeevi 姓: O 标签: O Zeevi ...
以色列选手泽维 ; 阿列尔·泽维
Zeevi, Israel's ultra-nationalist tourist minister, was shot in the head and neck in a Jerusalem hotel Wednesday.
CNN: Fatah man killed in car explosion
America says Mr Arafat has not done enough to curb violence and bring Mr Zeevi's killers to justice.
ECONOMIST: Looking beyond Arafat | The
Earlier, Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat ordered his security forces to find and arrest the killers of Zeevi.
CNN: Palestinians reject Israeli ultimatum