座主 zasu 主编 1.(编缉工作的主要负责人) chief editor; editor in chief; managing editor; chief compiler .
齿轮基本术语(中英文对照) ... 环面蜗杆副 Enveloping worm pair ~) Qx s3r) 阿基米德蜗杆 Straight sided axial worm;ZA-worm ': i' Cj 渐开线蜗杆 Involute helicoid worm;ZI-worm 0NE55 J ...
莎苏 ; 扎苏·皮茨
He cast himself as Prince Nikolaus von Wildeliebe-Rauffenburg, the hedonistic scion of a fading noble family whose parents want to marry him off to a homely corn-plaster heiress (Zasu Pitts).
NEWYORKER: The Wedding March