... 纳波 na buoc; napo 扎里 dhari; jari; zari; zarri; zhari 波扎蒂 pozzati ...
介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Zari 州或国家代码:NIG 国家中文名:尼日利亚 国家英文名:Nigeria 纬度:13°04'00.00"N 经度:12°43'00.00"E 如果你有同类好网
The alliance earlier said it had taken the Zari district, also south of the Mazar-e Sharif.
CNN: Northern Alliance claims key wins
"This was a difficult decision, but now I am determined and hopeful society will support me, " Zari said.
NPR: Pakistani Woman Makes History With Run In May Vote
Zari said she hopes she can convince women to come out to vote.