释义 |
您要找的是不是: yuckint. [美俚]啐(表示反感等,等于yuk) | n... - 1
When it is inside a menu, the copy function's mnemonic should be c, p, or lastly, y. 当在菜单中时,复制函数的助记符应该是C、P、或者至少应该是Y。 - 2
Note that int y(2.3) is allowed in C++0x; no type narrowing is assumed, and y equals 2 while int y{2.3} is plain error. 注意,在 C++0x 中允许 int y(2.3);由于不允许类型窄化,y 等于 2,而 int y{2.3} 是错的。 - 3
"If this were the 1980s, I'd need a corner office," says Shama Kabani, 25, a Y. E. C. member and founder of marketing Zen, a digital marketing firm in Dallas, with yearly revenue in the seven figures. “如果这是在1980年代,我得需要一间角落办公室,”25岁的理事会会员暨Marketing Zen创始人夏玛·卡巴尼(Shama Kabani)坦言,Marketing Zen是一家达拉斯的数字化营销公司,年收入达7位数。