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打哈欠和伸展 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?呵欠和伸懒腰 进出口货物名称中英对照(191) ... ophometer 噪声计 ychogalvanometer 心理电流反应检测器 ychrometer 湿度计 ...
- 1
The cool night air, the crackling noises of my furnace, my cat yawning and stretching-these are the tangible realities I can recognize. 夜晚凉爽的空气、炉火劈里啪啦的声响、猫咪伸着懒腰、打着哈欠—这些都是我能识辨出的看得见、摸得着的现实。 - 2
The University celebrating the death of Goethe, or the birth, I don't remember which. (Usually it's the deaths that are celebrated. ) Idiotic affair, anyway. Everybody yawning and stretching. 那所大学在纪念歌德的忌日,或者是诞辰日,我记不清到底是哪一个了(通常人们是纪念忌日的),总之这是一件蠢事,人人都在打哈欠、伸胳膊。 - 3
Perceiving me immovable, she essayed another method of showing her disrelish for her occupation. It changed to yawning, and stretching, and. 当她明白劝不动我时,又试换一种方法,就是有意显出她对正在干的事儿不感兴趣,就变成打打哈欠,伸伸懒腰,以及。