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Dr James Wyatt, Sleep Clinician, Rush University medical Center: "What are the activities people are doing in that hour beforebefore bedtime, and do those those predict next-day consequences? 詹姆斯·怀亚特是拉什大学医疗中心的睡眠医生 ,他说:“睡觉前一个小时人们在做什么活动及这些活动能否预测第二天的结果。” - 2
Better, says sleep researcher James Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and continue to take it in very small doses throughout the day. 更好的消息,则来自芝加哥拉什大学医药中心的睡眠研究人员James Wyatt,他发现早上少喝一点咖啡因,然后白天持续饮用很小剂量,这样就可以均匀地抵抗腺苷酸的摄入。 - 3
"James Gang", "Billy the Kid", and "Wyatt Earp" etc. were held in reputation at that time. “詹姆斯帮”、“小子比利”、巴克抑或是怀亚特·厄普,都是西部名噪一时的人物。