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土木建筑工程 武汉市 MSW in Wuhan city has followed the same pattern as the nation’s. Wuhan landfills are being filled without proper control and will be full soon. 随着城市化的不断推进,武汉市城市生活垃圾问题日益严重,但处理仍然还停留在单一的填埋和粗放的堆放阶段。 武汉三镇 The research on evolvement of the characteristic landscape aesthetic structure of Wuhan is practical application and improvement for the set of thinking method of the fund system . 武汉三镇特色景观审美结构的演变研究子课题研究是对基金体系中思想方法的具体运用和完善。
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地球科学 武汉地区 Many scholars have certain of study in recent years which make us compare climate change in Wuhan with it in global from a big yardstick. 近些年来国内外很多学者对此都做了一定的研究,这可以使我们从比较大的尺度来比较分析武汉地区的气候变化与全球气候变化的关系。