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冬季糖果 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The winter is white, and the branches, blooms of winter sweets, icy lake, . 冬天是白色地、和代办署理分支机构,绽放地冬季糖果、结冰地湖,。 - 2
Only people who understand life, can enjoy the beautiful winter sweets, Only know a caring, people can feel the beauty of life, Only through unremitting efforts, just know happiness hard-won. 只有懂得生活的人,才能领略到腊梅的清馨; 只有懂得关爱的人,才能感受到生命的美丽; 只有经过不懈努力的人,才深深知道幸福来之不易。 - 3
A breeze through pieces of carrying people best wishes wish card, across a blooming wintersweet, only hear bells "poison poison" the light ring, only bursts of fragrance smell of winter sweets. 微风拂过一块块承载人们美好祝愿的祈愿牌,拂过一朵朵绽放的腊梅,只听见风铃“呤呤”的轻响,只闻到腊梅阵阵的暗香。