释义 |
wintersweet 英/ ?w?nt?swi?t / 美/ ?w?nt?swi?t / 1 ?腊梅 ... Water hyacinth 凤眼兰 Winter sweet 腊梅 Wistaria 紫藤 ... 2 ?金曲奖新人入围 年甫以两张专辑分别获得十大专辑(收敛水)和金曲奖新人入围(winter sweet)的 蛋堡 , 而 在这迥异且华丽的六重奏之下, 蛋堡 的 歌词 写作更加老练圆熟,如果你喜欢少年维持著烦恼里忧郁又深刻的人生剪影,这... 3 ?牛至 ... winter sweet 腊梅; 牛至 winter mushroom and winter melon soup 冬菇冬瓜汤 braised winter melon 琥珀冬瓜 ...
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Your character is like winter sweet my disposition resembles general and doughty ; 你的品质如梅花一般刚强; 我的性格像冰川一样含蓄; - 2
One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place. 秋日的一天,大教堂屋顶上飞来一只体态轻盈、叫声甜美的小鸟。 它离开荒芜的原野和日渐稀疏的矮树篱只为寻一处冬季的栖息地。 - 3
Carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash and yellow bell peppers are wonderful sources of carotenoids, which fight cancer. 胡萝卜、山芋、笋瓜和黄辣椒中的胡萝卜素有抗癌的功效。