释义 |
- 连胜:指在连续的比赛或竞争中取得连续胜利的状态或行为。
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"Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End", Random House Business Books, 2004. “信心:如何取得连胜,以及连胜是如何失去的”,兰登书屋商业书籍,2004年。 - 2
The team played consistently all year, putting together winning streaks of six, seven, eight and nine games. 球队踢了一贯所有一年,将一起打赢条纹的六,七,八和九场比赛。 - 3
Rather, as winners' winning streaks increased in length they started choosing safer and safer odds, which led them to win more often, though less profitably. 相反,是因为赢家的连胜记录的增加,他们在倍率的选择上才会更加安全,虽然并不是那么有利可图,但是总是会让他们赢得更多。