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翼, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Like lifting an X-wing fighter from a swamp, building software from source might seem intimidating at first, especially if you're not a software developer. 如同从沼泽中升起一架x翼战斗机一样,从源代码构建软件乍看起来可能是令人生畏的,特别当您不是软件开发人员的时候。 - 2
Like an airplane wing, it provides lift, although largely in a horizontal direction. And like an airplane wing, the slots between the main elements and the flaps add to the lifting power. 像机翼一样,它提供了升力(不过是水平方向的升力),主部件之间的凹槽和襟翼也提高了升力。 - 3
This is one of those lifting bodies, the M2-F2, attached to a pylon on the wing of the B-52 that was used to carry it aloft. 这是一个提升的机构,货币供应M2 - F2代,附加到对的B - 52被用来进行机翼外挂它高高举起。