"随着更多财报出炉,耳语数字(whisper numbers)也会越来越多,"波士顿 Delta Global Advisors 的首席技术分析师 Br uce Zaro 说.
惠斯珀数(whisper number)——被成功扑灭 羁系网络运动:没有图形用户界面,就没有光彩
... 确切的数字 hard figure 谣言的数字 whisper number 约略的数字 ballpark figure noun ...
The whisper number comes in a bit higher at 99 cents per share.
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The whisper number rests a penny higher at earnings of 20 cents per share.
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Given this data, the current whisper number of 91 cents per share is well within reach.
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