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1 ?风险投资信托 ...venture capital_汽车爸爸 and Development Capital Investment Trusts,VDCITs)及风险投资信托(Venture Capital Trusts,VCTs)的模式。应该说,公司制、契约制和有限合伙制在中国都有其存在. 2 ?创业投资信托 创业投资信托(Venture Capital Trust)是英国一种比较有特色的创业资本组织方式。但是由于按照英国《金融服务法》的规定,所有的"创业投资信托"都必须按照股份有限公司...
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Venture capital to a large extent based on mutual trust, the venture capital is no secured, no collateral, and must be fully in accordance with the contract. 风险投资的基础在很大程度上是相互信任,风险资本是无抵押,无担保,并且必须完全按照该合同。 - 2
Limited partnership, company and trust fund, each having their own advantages and disadvantages, are the typical types of venture capital pools. 风险投资机构典型的组织形式包括有限合伙、公司和契约式基金三种,它们各有其优缺点。 - 3
Among them, the legal rules of venture capital fund raising describe the different rules of private offering in corporation system, limited partnership and trust-type of venture capital fund. 其中,有关风险投资基金私募的相关法律规则,根据不同组织形式,分别阐述公司制、有限合伙制和契约制风险投资基金的私募发行规则。