释义 |
- 呕吐出来:强烈的胃部反应导致食物或液体从口中喷出。
1 ?呕出 vomit是什么意思,vomit中文翻译,vomit语法用法 ... Vomit Cuntshake英国入侵 vomit up呕出 Vomit Comet呕吐彗星 ...
- 1
I want to vomit up, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and no wonder, as they refused to blurred Down? 呕……我想起来了,明天就是情人节了,怪不得他们那样痴醉迷离不肯落下? - 2
As soon as the doctor and the C.O. leave, Haywire pushes past Michael to the toilet and forces himself to vomit up the pills. 当医生和狱警离开后,Haywire挤过Michael到马桶边,迫使自己将药给吐了出来。 - 3
Peony time of have a meal vomit up, she was pregnant with w. connor children, they go to see the doctor, the doctor said she wasnt pregnant, just suffered too quickly. 牡丹吃饭的时候吐了起来,她害怕自己怀了马戎的孩子,就赶紧去看了医生,医生说她没有怀孕,只是肝火太盛。