释义 |
1 ?陷入困境 ... 陷入困境, 把事情搞糟 get into a muddle 陷入困境, 困兽犹斗 come to bay; turn to bay 陷入困境, 遇到麻烦 get into a mess ...
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That, in turn, predicts at any given moment which regions of the bay will wash pollutants out to sea and which will confine them to the coast. 接下来就可以通过该结构预测任意时刻该海域的哪个区域会将污染物推出海湾、哪个区域会将它们留在岸边。 - 2
It is important that people who have dull jobs find outside interests to keep boredom at bay, rather than turn to drinking or smoking. 工作比较枯燥的人应该找些业余爱好来打发无聊,而不是去抽烟喝酒,这很重要。 - 3
I usually come out of the J-turn to the left in preparation for the weapon bay door pass and roll. 在J字型转向动作的结束过程中我通常会完成开武器舱门通场与滚转动作的准备工作。