释义 |
1 ?按时到岗位工作 ... [ turn out for work ] 按时到岗位工作 [ be out on duty ] 出外执行任务 [ ground service ground duty ] 在地面上执行的各种工作,如维修飞机等 ... 2 ?出勤 ... 出勤 turn out for work 出席 attend; be present 出席登记簿, 出勤簿 roll book ...
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C. Obeying security dept. to check and management in goods security, fight and turn out for work. 服从防损部门在商品安全、消防和出勤等方面的监督、管理。 - 2
For most productive, well-educated men and women, an average of 25 years of "leisure" can be terribly isolating and boring; returning to work may turn out to be a blessing after all. 对于大多数有创造力和良好教育背景的人来说,平均25年的“休闲”意味着可怕的孤立和乏味。重新工作没准还是上帝的恩赐。 - 3
At worst, relativity will turn out to work for most of the universe but not all, just as Newton's mechanics work until things get extremely large or small. 在最坏的情况下,相对论将转向为宇宙中的大部分事情工作,但不是全部,就像牛顿力学在事情没有达到很大或很小以前,一直可以正常工作一样。