释义 |
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Obviously, whether or not you’re in a monogamous relationship will go a long way toward determining how acceptable it is to be turned on by someone other than your partner. 很明显,不管你是不是身处一夫一妻制的社会关系都不能认定你是否能忍受来自配偶外其他人的窥视。 - 2
On the other hand, someone who got straight a's, never got turned down for a date, was never fired from a job or defeated in an election, is going to have a very rude awakening. 另一方面,学习成绩一直得A的人,约会从来没有被人拒绝的人,以及从来没有被公司解雇的人,或者从来没有经历过选举失败的人,可能会突然清醒。 - 3
That morning we woke up, turned on the TV and, as I recall, saw someone playing the cello instead of the customary programming. 我还记得那天早上我醒来后打开电视,发现在播放大提琴演奏,和平常的节目不一样。