释义 |
1 ?蜡质表皮 ... 神经元蜡样质脂褐质沉 neuronalceroidlipofuscionsis 蜡质表皮 waxy skin 蜡质基因 waxy ...
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The fruit is rich in Vitamin c, and Antioxidants. The fruit turns a bright yellow when ripe, has a waxy skin and the entire fruit is edible, juicy and crunchy. 果实富含维生素c和抗氧化成分,成熟后变为亮黄色,果皮含有蜡质,整个果实都可以食用,多汁生脆。 - 2
You are getting frostbite if your skin goes a waxy, red color, then black. 如果你的皮肤变得苍白,红色,然后变成黑色,你就被冻伤了。 - 3
When first he came to the island he was a big, brawny fellow, with thick black hair and a black beard, of a powerful physique; but gradually his skin became pale and waxy; he grew thin and frail. 他第一次来到这个岛的时,身材魁梧,体格健硕,肌肉发达,头发乌黑浓密,还蓄着黑胡子,但渐渐变得皮肤苍白,与日消瘦。