释义 |
1 ?青涩水果 ... unripe amber 生琥珀 Unripe Fruit 青涩水果 ; 未熟水果 Unripe Hate 生恨 ... 2 ?未成熟水果 ... unripe dough 发酵未成熟的面团 unripe fruit 未成熟水果 unripe girl 发育未成熟的女孩 ...
- 1
She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid and disagreeable, as are the richest flavours of unripe fruit. 她还具有丰富的情感,尽管至今还象末熟的果子那样酸涩得难以入口。 - 2
Years later, we will be like a child, as those who eat unripe fruit, think of those innocent days pregnant, will own a little smile. 年后,我们将像一个孩子,那些吃未成熟果实,想到那些无辜的天怀孕,将自己一点点的笑容。 - 3
A half-mile stretch of beach on Terschelling island, 70 miles north of Amsterdam, was littered with bunches of unripe fruit from Cuba, Buren said. Buren说,距阿姆斯特丹北部70英里的特西林小岛,绵延半英里的海滩上散落着从古巴运来的没熟的水果。