释义 |
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Lecture topic: Lessons Learned from the Failure of the point (or "Polishing Your Turds and Getting Super Rich"). 演讲题目:从失败中获得的教训(或“包装好你的废品并暴富”)。 - 2
An inviolate wasteland, littered with human and animal turds, surrounds Sarju's two-room hut, which he shares with his wife, Sushila, and their three children. 一块没有外人进入的荒地,散落着人畜粪便,中间是萨尔朱家的两间土屋,屋里住着他和妻子苏西拉,还有三个孩子。 - 3
And look, this all might sound harsh, but in truth, Yale is basically a sewer filled with mole people... only replaced the word "people" with stinky, dried up dog turds that hate laughter and puppies. 听着,这所有可能听起来刺耳,但事实上,耶鲁基本上就是个充满游民的下水道…只是把“people”这字换成又臭又干、厌恶笑声与小狗的狗大便。