释义 |
- 天竺葵:一种观赏性植物,其花朵呈丝绒状,色彩丰富。
1 ?绒花开 我爱过一次,但是他伤害了我,因为他和别的女人跑了,然后有很多人追过我 ? null 绒花开 ? Velvet flowers open 对今后的生活和学习有帮助 ? For the future of the living and learning help ..
- 1
Participate in the Velvet Flowers --- Invitation Exhibition of Woman Artists from Peking, Shanhai, Guangzhou, Shanghai; - 2
The clumps of blossoms had just been bathed; every sort of velvet, satin, gold and varnish, which springs from the earth in the form of flowers, was irreproachable. 花束洗涤一净;所有幻成花形从地下冒出来的丝绒、绫缎、彩釉和黄金都毫无瑕疵。 - 3
Far looked like a large green lawn plush velvet carpet, the carpet was also a vague manner of colorful flowers open, like a beautiful picture, painted on a white flower, look! 远远望去草坪就像一大块绿色的毛绒绒的地毯,地毯还隐隐约约地开着五颜六色的小花,就像一幅美丽的图画,画上有一朵雪白的花,瞧!