释义 |
1 ?速度滑移 ... velocity serve 速度伺服机构 velocity-slip 速度滑移 velocity stage 速度级 ...
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When driving across a hill, vehicles do not lose linear velocity. At a certain angle, vehicles start to slip off the hill. 当行驶越过一座山,车辆不失去线性速度。从某个角度看,车辆开始从山上滑下去。 - 2
The rollers and ring are designed in inverted trapezium, which reduce the material's slip velocity between rollers and ring, extend grinding time, and enhance crushing efficiency. 该机将磨辊与磨环设计成阶梯状,降低了进入磨辊与磨环之间物料的下滑速度,延长了对物料的碾压时间,提高了粉碎效果。 - 3
A method for resolving the energy equation of the circular microchannel, which considers axial heat conduction, temperature jump, velocity slip and thermal entrance is presented. 提出了一种考虑轴向热传导、速度滑移、温度跳跃和入口效应情况下圆形微通道能量方程的求解方法。