释义 |
1 ?货款未收到的卖主 ... seller consignor 卖方发货人 unpaid seller 货款未收到的卖主... first seller 第一卖主,原卖方... 2 ?款的卖方 ...或拒绝支付货款,抑或是无力支付贷款(Insolvent),对于后二项情况下的卖方,根据英美法律上的解释称之为未受款的卖方(Unpaid Seller)。
- 1
Under English law, it is not only the seller who is unpaid but also any person who is in the position of a unpaid seller could exercise the right of stoppage in transit. 当货物处于运输途中并且没有签发代表货物的物权凭证时,买方未经卖方许可处置货物并不影响卖方的中途停运权,卖方仍然可以对货物行使中途停运权; - 2
In case the Buyer is delay in any payment due, for every week in delay, it shall pay 1% of the unpaid value to the Seller as liquidated damages for late payment. 如果买方迟延支付任何到期款项,则每迟延一周,买方应向卖方支付应付而未付款项的1%作为迟延付款违约金。 - 3
For example, if a buyer responds to an unpaid item reminder with nonsense text simply to retain the ability to leave Feedback for a seller. 买家在UPI争议中回应了一些无关痛痒的话,仅仅是为了能够留下评价。