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电压、纹波 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In addition, the thesis analyzes the influence of the filter structure and parameters on the output DC voltage ripple and the shape of phase currents, as well as harmonics of phase currents. 另外,还对滤波器的结构和参数对输出直流电压脉动和发电机相电流波形的影响及相电流谐波进行了仿真分析。 - 2
Traditional phase-controlled rectifying power supply is being replaced by the switching one, which is characterized by high precision, low voltage ripple and high efficiency. 电力系统中传统的相控整流型电源正在逐步被具有高精度、低纹波、高效率等特性的开关电源取代。 - 3
Compared with traditional circuit, it has lower output voltage ripple, lower load adjustment rate and lower input voltage adjustment rate. 与传统方法相比,该方法具有电压纹波小、负载调整率和电压调整率低的特点。