瓦解就是激光 ? neutralised is laser 吞拿鱼沙律 ? Tuna fish salad 那些过去不应该提起,它让我看到自己多失败和心痛 ? Those in the past should not be instituted, it let me see my many failu...
... 三文鱼沙律Salmon salad 金抢鱼沙律Tuna fish salad 蟹籽沙律Crad seed salad ...
你应当有足够的信心来接受这项工作 ? You should be confident enough to accept the work 吞拿鱼色拉 ? Tuna fish salad 曾经我喜欢的人,和我现在想喜欢的人的空间居然是一样的。。
Tunafish and onion paste can be used in as many ways as you like - plain eaten as a salad, as a filling for sandwiches, or combine it with potatoes to make a salad.