When details of Prince Harry's tour of duty were disclosed in the media, it became clear that his time at a forward base in volatile Helmand Province was drawing to a close.
Chemical constituents of volatile oil QSRR model variated screening were established on the base of the variate variable. The correlation coefficients were move than 0.90.
A volatile pressing oil HC-L200 was formulated with hydrotreated narrow fraction light base oil, fatty acid ester lubricant and additives, such as homemade wetting agent and compounded antirust agent.
根据铝翅片冲压加工工艺的技术特点,选用加氢精制窄馏分轻质油为基础油,添加特制的脂肪酸酯为油性剂以及自制的润湿剂和复合防锈剂等添加剂调合成HC - L 200挥发性冲压油。