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木管乐器 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family. 好,很明显,我们刚接触了一些铜管乐器,和木管乐器,而管弦乐队另一个最主要的部分,显而易见,是弦乐器 - 2
She is a PhD candidate in the department of music, just passed her qualifying exam with flying colors, so here she is to demonstrate the bassoon for us, lowest member of the woodwind family. 她是音乐学院的在读博士,刚刚以出色的成绩通过资格考试,她马上要为我们演奏巴松管,木管乐器中声音最低沉的乐器