释义 |
1 ?木杆 ... wood pattern 木模 wood post 木杆 wood preservative 木材防腐剂 ... 2 ?木柱 ... wood polysaccharose ==> 木多糖 wood post ==> 木柱 wood preservation ==> 木料防腐,木材防腐,木材防腐处理 ...
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A long handle, usually made of wood, that attaches to the top of sailboat’s rudder or rudder post to turn the rudder for steering. 它是一个长的把手,通常木制,连接在船舵的顶端或后端以便掌舵。 - 2
Vibrations from the four strings are transmitted via the bridge to the front of the violin, and on to the back via the sound-post, a length of round wood wedged between front and back inside the box. 四根琴弦的振动通过琴马传送到小提琴的面板,并在通过声柱传回声音回背板,声柱是音箱中一段嵌在面板和背板之间的圆木。 - 3
America, in return, was responsible for the statue's base and pedestal, to be constructed within the existing walls of Fort Wood, an Army post on what was then known as Bedloe's Island. 美国作为回报要在伍德堡--当时是贝德罗岛的一个哨所--存有的墙里面负责修建雕塑的地基和基座。