

单词 calendar spread
calendar spread
  • 简明释义
  • 行历差价交易;水平式价差策略
  • 网络释义
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    相应地,套利交易通常也分为四种类型:期现套利、跨期套利(Calendar Spreads)、跨品种套利(Intercommodity Spreads)与跨市场套利(Intermarket Spreads)。

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    蝶形套购(Butterfly Spreads)——损益图 水平套购(Calendar Spreads) 水平套购利用两种执行价相同、到期日不同的买权(或卖权):购买有效期较长的买权同时出售有效期较短的买权。

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    ...价格保 持在X 2 非附近,该策略有少量损失;如果股票价格在 任何方向上有较大波动,都会有盈利 46 差期组合calendar spreads)  也叫日历组合,是由两份相同协议价格、不同期限的 同种期权的不同头寸组成的组合。

  • 4


    ...差策)看多价差策略()看空价差策略(Bear Spreads)? 蝶式价差策略(Butterfly Spreads)? 跨期价差策略(Calendar Spreads)? 跨式组合策略(St ddl )? 跨式组合策略(Straddle)第54页? 勒式组合策略(Strangles)? 条式组合策略和带式组合策略(St...

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    In Chicago, more than a third of the district's 675 schools opened Aug. 13, part of a year-round schooling effort that spreads out the school calendar with shorter summer and winter breaks.

    WSJ: School in August Gets Low Grades

  • 2.

    "You gradually get into a club, word spreads, and then it's just relentless, " he says of his social calendar.

    WSJ: Revenge of the Nerds, the Sequel: Silicon Valley Wallflowers Now Hot





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