释义 |
veinlet 英/ ?ve?nl?t / 美/ ?venlit / - 1
If the large K-feldspar crystals, see roots like veins and veinlets, color is shallow, is perthitic. 如果在大的钾长石晶体上,见有根须状的细脉,而且细脉的颜色又较浅,则为条纹长石。 - 2
The late stage quartz-carbonate veinlets, with comb structure, are likely formed in an extensional tectonic environment. 晚阶段具梳状构造的石英-碳酸盐细脉形成于伸展引张环境。 - 3
Titanium mineralization in Sulu UHP eclogites is dominated by rutile-type deposit, where rutile occurs mainly as inclusions in metamorphic minerals, intergranular crystals or veinlets. 苏鲁超高压榴辉岩中的钛成矿作用以金红石型钛矿床为主,其中金红石以变质矿物中的包裹体、晶间颗粒或脉状形式出现。