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管状材料 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In alcohol industry, vapor ejector is used in the processing of mashing and liquefying starch materials and can substitute for traditional large equipment, such as tubular heaters and mash boiler. 酒精工业中,蒸汽喷射器对淀粉质原料进行加热糊化、液化,完全可替代传统的套管式加热器、蒸煮罐和后熟罐等大型设备。 - 2
Aerospace series. Honeycomb materials with tubular cells, hexagonal carbon fabric, phenolic resin impregnated oriented at plus over minus. Product standard. 航空航天系列。酚醛树脂浸渍的六角形碳纤维管状蜂窝的蜂窝材料。产品标准。 - 3
Aerospace series. Honeycomb materials with tubular cells, hexagonal, kraft paper, phenolic resin impregnated. Product standard. 航空航天系列。酚醛树脂浸渍的牛皮纸六角形管状蜂窝的蜂窝材料。产品标准。