释义 |
沃森,汤姆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Tom Watson MP asked Coulson whether, following inquiries he made after Mulcaire's arrest, he could remember when Mulcaire first started working for the News of the World. 汤姆沃森议员又问考尔森,根据在穆凯尔被捕后所作的调查,他是否能想起穆凯尔什么时候开始为《世界新闻》服务。 - 2
He had a son, Tom Watson Jr., who was as strong-willed and gifted as the father. 他有一个儿子小托马斯·沃森,他拥有像父亲一样强大的意志和卓越的才能。 - 3
Mr Crone conveyed disdain for the MPs, particularly Tom Watson, the committee's toughest questioner. Crone对议员们特别是委员会最强硬的质询者Tom Watson表示了鄙视。