释义 |
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They've adapted to thrive at the edge of hydrothermal vents, which spew superheated water saturated with toxic chemicals. 它们已经在深海热泉区的边缘处繁衍生息,那里喷涌着含有毒化学物质的过热海水。 - 2
There is, however, a lot of carbon dioxide underground, and when you drill for superheated water to turn your turbines, you often release it. 然而,大量的二氧化碳埋葬在地底,当你钻探时高温水带动涡轮机,这时二氧化碳通常会被释放出来。 - 3
Superheated steam drying is a drying technique of using high temperature steam to evaporate materials inner water, it has feature of drying quickly, quality good, saving Energy and so on. 过热蒸汽干燥技术是使用高温蒸汽将密闭的环境中的物料内部的水分蒸发出来的干燥技术,具有干燥速度快,干燥品质好,节能等特点。