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您要找的是不是: bombvt. 轰炸,投弹于 | vi. 轰炸,投弹;失败 ... 1 ?李敏赫 答:(Block B) 成员,4月15日正式出道,BrandNewStardom 公司的艺人,表志勋(P;?,金有权,李敏赫(B-Bomb),安宰孝:?、《Halo》等:李泰一.O) 是韩国新人男子7人组合;?、《Wanna B》。 2 ?蹦哥和橘哥 哈哈哈zico是万能cp,说的最多的是鸡精cp(zico和朴经)和鸡权(zico和有权) 其他的就是蹦哥和橘哥(b-bomb和宰孝)还有po和泰欥~~~ 在韩国人气还可以吧、不过人气高的组合太多了就有点被埋没了。
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Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr., whose B-29 bomber dubbed the Enola Gay dropped the 9,000-pound 'Little Boy' bomb on August 6, 1945, died at his home. 1945年8月6日,驾驶 B-29 轰炸机艾诺拉盖号,并投下重九千磅炸弹‘小男孩'的保罗·沃菲尔德·蒂贝茨在自己家中去世。 - 2
And the Allies had decided on a new tactic; the B-25s and A-20s would launch skip bomb attacks on the convoy just as the heavy bombers, B-17s and B-24, were ending their attacks. 盟军决定采用新战术:重型轰炸机B-17和B-24退出攻击,B-25进行跳弹轰炸。 - 3
On Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM, the nuclear bomb 'Little Boy' was dropped on Hiroshima by an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, directly killing an estimated 80, 000 people. 在1945年8月6日周一,早上8时15分,美国B29轰炸机艾诺拉盖号把“小男孩”号核弹丢到了广岛,直接弄死了大约8万人。