释义 |
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It’s a criticism he answers with obvious frustration, but without breaking his stride, his voice never losing the monotone timbre that suggests he may already have begun merging with his software. 这样的批评让库兹韦尔的沮丧之情溢于言表,但他并没有就此停下探索的脚步,他甚至以一如既往的平静语调暗示自己已经开始了与软件的融合之路。 - 2
CTI refers to a integrate technology of phone, computer and network, and it realizes the merging of voice, data and video. CTI技术是指电话、计算机、网络的一种融合技术,同时实现了对语音、数据、视频等的融合。 - 3
I now experience the merging with my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light, finding my voice, finding the expression of my true Self in this essence of unconditional Love. 现在,我体验到了神圣的光的阴阳原型的融合,寻找着自我的声音,寻找着在这无限大爱的本质中真正自我的体现。