释义 |
1 ?时髦词汇 ... vogue vEug n.;adj. n. 时尚, 时髦, 风气, 流行, 风行;adj. 流行的, 时髦的 vogue-word n. 时髦词汇,流行字眼 voguey `vEugI adj. <口>流行的,风行一时的,时髦的 ...
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WHEN, a few years ago, word came that British bird lovers anxious about the decline of the house sparrow had appointed a sparrow tsar, it seemed that the tsar vogue must have reached its zenith. 几年前,当传闻英国爱鸟者们忧心忡忡于家雀的灭绝而指定了一名“麻雀沙皇”时,似乎“沙皇热”已经达到了顶峰。 - 2
"Disruptive" is the in-vogue word for the opposite of "incremental improvement." “颠覆性”是一个作为“渐近性改良”的反义词的流行词汇。 - 3
Among all kinds of word-buildings, the homophonic one is popular with many people, which has wonderful effect on the vogue Chinese and English. 在英汉语言的众多构词法中,谐音构词法起到不可替代的奇妙的作用并得到了越来越多人们的喜爱。