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1 ?结核菌苗 ... 结核菌素试验 tuberculin test 结核菌苗 tuberculosis vaccines 结案 wind up a case ...
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WHO welcomes this WIPO launch of a consortium aimed at expediting the development of new medicines, diagnostics, and vaccines for the neglected tropical diseases, malaria, and tuberculosis. 世卫组织欢迎知识产权组织启动一个联合小组,旨在加速开发新的药物、诊断试剂和疫苗以防治被忽视的热带病、疟疾和结核病。 - 2
In Nha Trang, the Institute of vaccine Research is producing safe vaccines for the country's most common diseases, including tuberculosis, tetanus and diphtheria, among others. 在芽庄,疫苗研究所正在生产包括结核病、破伤风和白喉等疾病在内的该国最常见病的安全疫苗。 - 3
The bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) is so genetically distinct in different parts of the world that tackling the disease could require separate vaccines for each region, say researchers. 科学家说,导致结核病的细菌在世界不同地方的遗传结构是如此不同,因此防控结核病可能需要为不同地区研制不同的疫苗。