释义 |
- 芋,块茎作物:指一类植物的地下块茎部分,如马铃薯、红薯等。
1 ?薯类作物 ... purchasing price 薯类作物 tuber crops 水产品 aquatic product ..
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Applicable crops: can be widely used in potatoes, garlic, ginger, Onions, sweet potatoes, yam, root tuber crops. 适用作物:可广泛用于土豆、大蒜、姜、葱、红薯、山药等块根块茎类作物。 - 2
That newcomer, brown streak, is now ravaging cassava crops in a great swath around Lake Victoria, threatening millions of East Africans who grow the tuber as their staple food. 来势汹汹的褐条病毒现在正在维多利亚湖沿岸的大片农田中肆虐,并威胁到了数百万东非人的口粮,因为木薯是他们的日常主食。 - 3
According to previous research and data, this paper review some aspects how quality of some crops such as cereal crop, root and tuber crop, vegetable and flue-cured tobacco is affected by potassium. 根据前人的资料和研究,对钾如何影响谷类作物,块根、块茎作物、蔬菜及烤烟品质的问题作了简要评述。