释义 |
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When he failed, he took over Phillips, a smaller auction house, with the aim of breaking the duopoly of Sotheby's and Christie's at the top of the market. 当此举失败之后,他收购了规模较小的菲利普拍卖行(Phillips),力图打破佳士得和苏富比在高端拍卖市场的双头垄断。 - 2
Set on breaking up EOP, it frantically sought buyers for many of the properties before going ahead with the deal, thus insulating Blackstone when the property market plunged shortly after. 黑石集团为了摧毁写字楼产权置业,然而在签订协议之前,它最开始是疯狂地寻找买家去购买被收购方的大量产权,但当楼市不久就出现暴跌之后,这样就让黑石集团免受了大量损失。 - 3
April 2006, Rome - 2005 was a record-breaking year for the world rice economy, according to the FAO rice Market Monitor published today. 2006年4月7日,罗马-根据粮农组织今天发表的《稻米市场监测》,2005年是世界稻米经济创纪录的一年。