释义 |
1 [机]?安全连接器 ... 安全联轴器 safety coupling 安全连接器 breaking piece 安全链 {采矿} safety chain ...
- 1
As you've probably heard already, the competitors in this race are trying their best, breaking legs, arms and necks to catch piece of cheese that is speeding up to 70 MPH down the steep hill side. 正如你所听到的,参赛者们冒着摔断手脚和脖子的危险,追逐一块从陡峭的山上以时速70里滚下来的奶酪而拼命。 - 2
Hansel reached up on tiptoe, and breaking off a piece of the gingerbread, he began to eat with all his might, for he was very hungry. 汉斯掂着脚尖伸出手,弄瞎了一片姜饼,他开始尽量吃,因为他太饿了。 - 3
Well, the straightforward answer is a piece of paper had parts, and in breaking it, in ripping it, what I literally did was I ripped one part from another. 直截了当的答案是,一张纸是有部分的,破坏它,撕裂它,我做的就是把它撕成了,一个个部分。