释义 |
tuatara 英/ ?tu???tɑ?r? / 美/ ?tu???tɑ?r? / 1 ?喙头蜥 鳄蜥 又称喙头蜥(Tuatara) 是古代爬行类喙头目中唯一幸存者 求生模式与其他蜥蜴相同 当遇到威胁时会断尾求生 2 ?古蜥蜴 ... lizard蜥蜴 tuatara古蜥蜴 chameleon变色龙,避役 ... 3 ?大蜥蜴 ...ncounters)近距离观赏品种繁多的鸟类和爬行动物,了解和喂食不同品种的鳟鱼,或是近距离欣赏澳洲水龙。新西兰大蜥蜴(Tuatara)在过去6500年间,新西兰大蜥蜴(学名喙头蜥)是爬行动物中一种古老类群的仅存物种,曾经与恐龙一同生活在地球上。 4 ?鳄蜥 纽西兰特有的 鳄蜥 ( Tuatara )是种特别的爬虫类,比起爬虫类鳄鱼更近鸟类。
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The tuatara rate is significantly faster than for animals including the cave bear, lion, ox and horse. 刺背鳄蜥的进化速率比起包括洞熊、狮子、公牛和马在内的动物,都要快得多。 - 2
Tuatara once ranged throughout New Zealand before rats, cats, and stoats— introduced by human colonizers— wiped them out. 据殖民者们介绍说,大蜥蜴以前遍布新西兰,直到老鼠、猫和白鼬把它们挤掉。 - 3
Tuatara once ranged throughout New Zealand before rats, cats, and stoats - introduced by human colonizers - wiped them out. 据殖民者们介绍说,大蜥蜴以前遍布新西兰,直到老鼠、猫和白鼬把它们挤掉。