释义 |
1 ?乏特氏 ...2003年双气囊小肠镜(DBE)相继问世,将消化道出血(以及不明原因的消化道出血)重新分为三类(上、中、下消化道出血)。乏特氏(Vater)壶腹以上,即胃镜可及范围之内的出血,被定义为上消化道出血。 2 ?血浓于水 [电影6]《血浓于水》(Vater Vater)[DVDRip][11-24] [电影6]《圣公会主学堂》(Nativity)2CD[DVDRip][11-24] 3 ?父亲 ... 女人 Frau 父亲 Vater 母亲 Mutter ... 4 ?肝胰壶腹 肝胰壶腹(Vater)扩 约肌 网膜囊: 网膜囊: 属于腹膜腔的一部分,又称小腹 膜腔。借网膜孔与大腹膜腔相通。
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Other German family members are easily learned: Vater, Schwester, and Tante for the English father, sister, and aunt. 其它有关家庭成员名称的德语说法也很容易学:像Vater, Schwester 和Tante 在英文里指的就father, sister 和aunt。 - 2
Conclusions Local resection of Vater ampulla carcinoma has many advantages, such as simple performance, less trauma, quick recovery, low complication and death rate of operation. 结论:局部切除具有手术操作简单、创伤小、恢复快、手术并发症及死亡率低等特点。 - 3
By analysing the reasons for too high (temperatures) of oil and vater, we find an efficient way to solve this trouble frequently happening in summer. Some Suggestions are also proposed. 通过对机车出现的油、水温度偏高的原因分析,找到了处理这一故障的方法,使得每到夏季频繁出现的油、水温度高的问题得到了解决,并提出了相应的建议。