Windows PowerShell is a free Net-based command-line shell and scripting language designed for system administrators by Microsoft.
Windows PowerShell是一种免费的、基于网络的、命令行式的外壳和脚本语言,它是微软针对系统管理员设计的。
The Squirrel Shell provides an advanced, object-oriented scripting language that works equally well in UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows systems.
Squirrel Shell 提供了一种高级的、面向对象的脚本语言,在 UNIX、Linux、Mac OS X 和 Windows 系统上都可以良好地运行。
It has interfaces to your favorite scripting language; it runs on UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS X; and it is an open-source project, so any improvements you make could benefit the entire community.
它具有到您最喜爱的脚本编制语言的接口;它运行在UNIX、Windows和Mac OS x上;而且它是一个开放源码项目,所以您所做的任何改进会使整个社区受益。