And MP3 has remained the dominant format for storing music, with Amazon and other online retailers adopting it - forced principally by Apple's blanket refusal to use the WindowsMediaAudio format.
One oddity to make note of is that playback of media on our Windows 7 box with Gmote caused system audio Settings to be altered.
有个值得注意的问题是在我们的Windows 7系统中用Gmote播放媒体会改变系统的音频设置。
The audio sample frequency and audio bit rate for Flash are less than the default value of 44100 Hz while those for WindowsMedia Player and QuickTime are higher than the default value.
Flash的音频采样频率和音频比特率均低于默认的44100 Hz,而Windows Media Player和QuickTime的则高于默认值。